Automated Testing Tools for Web Applications: Tutorial & Guide

July 15, 2023
10 min

As web applications become increasingly complex, so do software testing environments. While some teams still use manual software testing for prototyping and one-off test scenarios, the increasing complexity of modern web applications leads many to seek a solution that can keep up with newer features and faster update cycles.

Manual testing has several limitations at scale.

  • Companies are limited only to testing the specific data and scenarios developers have specified previously.
  • Tests must be updated by hand whenever a related code component is altered.
  • Developers must maintain older tests over time, changing them to use newer code patterns as they are introduced elsewhere in the codebase.

At scale, this grows unwieldy quickly.

In contrast, automated testing is repeatable, allows increased coverage through scheduled runs, and contributes to early bug detection. It contributes to app maintainability and product reliability.

One of the first steps in automated testing is choosing the right testing tool. Although seeking out a single "best" tool for automated testing is tempting, the reality is more nuanced. This article explores the critical features of an automated testing tool and discusses tradeoffs to help you choose the right one.

Key features to consider when choosing automated testing tools for web applications

Desired Feature Description
Low-code/ no-code options Lets you create and maintain tests with minimal coding required.
Regression test management Allows you to create and manage regression test cases and plans.
Cross-device testing capability Supports testing across multiple browsers, devices, and operating systems.
Visual testing capabilities Compares visual elements and detects UI changes.
Performance testing support Lets you conduct load and stress tests on web applications.
CI/CD integrations Seamless integration with popular CI/CD pipelines for continuous testing.
Reporting capabilities Allows you to analyze and share test results with stakeholders.
Other integrations It is worth considering integration capabilities with internal project management tools like Jira.

Introduction to test automation

Test automation handles repetitive tasks that otherwise can be time-consuming for manual testers. The QA engineers develop the automated testing and scripts, and the machine executes the tests. Testers can focus more on exploratory testing or tasks requiring human input.

Common automated testing types

Test automation can be applied to multiple testing types and levels.

Testing type Description Sub-types
Test Description Written by
Functional testing Functional tests are usually the first tests to be automated. They validate that the application works as expected. Unit tests Component functionality tested in isolation. Developers
Integration tests Check services and network-layer components. Developers and QA team
End-to-end tests Check the entire system works as expected. QA team
Accessibility testing Verifies if the application can be used by users with various disabilities (impaired vision, hearing, limited mobility). QA team
Non-functional testing Non-functional tests verify how the application performs. Visual testing Checks the visual web elements to ensure they are displayed correctly across multiple setups. QA team
Performance testing Validates how the application works under high loads. QA team
Accessibility testing Verifies if the application can be used by users with various disabilities (impaired vision, hearing, limited mobility) QA team

Getting started with automated testing

Ensure your web app is designed with testability, using consistent IDs or classes for elements. Invest in training to ensure your team can effectively use the chosen tool.

Begin by automating a few critical test cases rather than trying to automate everything at once. Focus on repetitive, high-value tests that run frequently. Set up your automated tests as part of your CI/CD pipeline.

Regularly review and update your test suite to ensure it remains valuable and efficient. Remember, successful automated testing is an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and refinement.


What to look for in web application testing tools

Take enough time to analyze your options and choose a tool that best fits your project and team. Don’t jump on the bandwagon of tools others use just because they are good for them; changing the tool later can mean a lot of rework and wasted time and resources.

How steep is the learning curve?

One of the first things to look for in a web testing tool is how easy it is for the team to learn. Good programming skills and an understanding of HTML, CSS, and XML are necessary for popular open-source tools like Selenium.

If your team is not very technical, you can invest in training them to write the code for the test scripts, or you can consider low-code or no-code options. Tools like Qualiti allow you to define the test steps by performing the steps in the web app and then create the code that repeats these steps.

Adding tests step with Qualiti (source)

Does it provide (good) customer support?

A significant factor to consider is the support the tool offers its users. Even if the tool is easy to use and has no steep learning curve, it still helps to have some comprehensive documentation or available training.

In addition, good customer support plays a key role - apart from asking questions, you can also report possible issues or missing functionality.  

What are the integration capabilities?

You should also look into the integrations provided by the tool. A good automated testing framework should have CI/CD for easy tracking. Modern tools have integrations with CI/CD systems like GitHub, GitLab, Circle, or Jenkins. With CI, it’s easy to track recent reports and see the progress of various tests - for example, when a test starts failing.

Another integration can be with project management tools, such as Jira. You can automatically link existing test cases to their corresponding stories or log bugs when a test fails.

Lastly, you can check possible integrations with communication tools like email. With this integration, test reports and results can be automatically emailed to any interested party.

Are scripts easy to maintain?

A large part of automated testing is test script maintenance. A good automated test requires minimal maintenance for predictable results, i.e., it will have the same outcome unless the functionality it tests changes.

Even so, there are still cases when engineers must update tests retroactively, such as when a complex UI component’s internals are updated or when major page functionality is changed. AI-powered tools are the best choice in this scenario because they can handle test maintenance with very little human interaction.

For example, after a test fails because of a locator change, AI tools like Qualiti can detect and update the new locator in the test. They then re-run the tests to validate the new changes. In time, these tools learn how to adapt the test cases to account for new application changes. The testing cases stay up-to-date with the latest software versions.


Web automating testing tool features

Now, let’s review the key features of automated testing tools for web apps and how they can help.

Low-code/no-code options

QA teams should look for tools where test engineers can record the test steps manually in the browser, and the low-code/no-code tools generate the code. You also want an AI no-code feature that develops scripts by monitoring the user activity on the tested application and creating user journeys.

Teams work faster with low-code/no-code tools than old-school scripting tools, where testers must write the entire test code. You shorten the learning curve and achieve better test coverage quicker because you don’t have to write and maintain the test scripts.

Low-code and no-code also make it easy to integrate new team members because they do not need to be trained in a deep technical subject, such as a new programming language. This leaves more time for testers to control quality through tasks like exploratory and ad-hoc testing.

Regression test management

Regression tests help catch possible new issues before releasing them into production. They are the best candidate for automation because they must be run often, after new deploys and before new releases. Some teams run regression tests as often as multiple times a day (depending on the deployment frequency).

Hence, you want an automated testing tool that allows testers to quickly run and monitor regression test cases. For example, using Qualiti, tests can be organized easily into test suites or folders, scheduled to run on a given frequency, and results are easy to read and analyze.

Cross-device testing capability

It is important to test your web app UI to ensure it works across multiple devices and browsers. Manually testing on all devices, platforms, and browsers is tedious, repetitive, time-consuming, and prone to error.

Qualiti can solve this issue by automating cross-device testing, saving the team valuable time and finding potential compatibility issues. Grids are a great feature that allows tests to be executed on different browsers and are easy to set up.

Visual testing capabilities

Visual testing validates the functionality of visual elements, such as colors, fonts, images, and layouts. All these elements need to be displayed consistently and correctly across different combinations of browsers, systems, devices, and screen resolutions.

Visual testing identifies subtle issues that may not be obvious to the eye. For example, tests highlight:

  • Newly introduced accessibility issues within a page in the UI.
  • Individual browsers or devices on which the new issues occur.

Engineers identify commonalities between the browser environments from which issues originate and formulate an investigation plan.

As a best practice, visual testing capabilities should be a major feature when choosing testing tools. Consider whether it can be integrated into existing CI/CD pipelines where relevant.

Performance testing support

Performance testing is another type better suited for automated testing than manual testing. A tool for web app testing validates the time it takes for certain pages to load or check how the application works under a higher workload (for example, if many users connect to the application simultaneously).


Reporting capabilities and CI/CD integrations

As previously mentioned, a good automation framework should have reporting capabilities. Tests provide little value unless their results can be interpreted and the team can act based on them.

Another factor to consider is how often the tests run. With proper continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) configurations, the automated tests can be scheduled to run at given frequencies (for example, nightly) or after every deployment. Also, you can see trends from the reports, such as:

  • Improved test coverage
  • New failing tests, which can mean new bugs
  • How long do the tests take? This can also signal changes in performance.
Qualiti report (source)

Other integrations

Most teams use tools like Jira for project management. Check if your testing tool supports integrations with your internal tooling. The integration can help track the coverage of user stories and automatically log new defects when a test fails.

Other integrations include communication integrations, for example, email - the reports can be automatically sent after a test run finishes, or you can receive notifications of failed tests:

Email notifications (source)


There are many features to consider when selecting the right automation tool for web applications, and this choice should not be taken lightly. The right tool will help you reduce overall work and provide faster feedback to the developers.

When evaluating tools, consider:

  • The learning curve and technical expertise required.
  • Quality of customer support and documentation.
  • Integration capabilities with your existing tools and workflows.
  • Ease of test script maintenance.
  • Support for various testing types (functional, visual, performance)
  • Reporting and analytics capabilities.

For example, the AI-driven testing tool, Qualiti, has many vital features, such as no-code options, test case maintenance, integrations, cross-browser testing, and reporting.

Remember that the best tool for your team depends on your specific needs, technical skills, and project requirements and not on market trends. Take the time to assess options and run pilot tests.

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